version 2.6, 18 July 2012 - Wired for Sound

The latest version of My Coloring Book now lets you add soundtracks to coloring pages, has more control over what happens at the start and end of a coloring book, and lets you define a URL to go to when the Close button is pressed.


 You can have a track that plays when the page is loaded, and repeat it multiple times, and you can also add an outgong track that plays when the user goes to a new page (or closes the coloring book).

For more information, check out Coloring Page Sound-tracks.

Start and end of Coloring Book

Up to now, when the Next button was clicked on the last page, the coloring book would go to the first page.  Similarly clicking the Prev button on the first page would go to the last page.

Now you can define what happens.  You can make it loop (like before), disallow looping, or set a URL to go to.

For more information, see the updated Using Coloring Books.

Close Button URL

Another addition is the option to set a URL to go to when the user clicks the close button.  Previously the close button would only work when you opened My Coloring Book in its own window.  Now you can specify a URL to go to in the config, such as a page on your website.

See the closeURL attribute, in the updated General Configuration article for details.